Thank you for evaluating a St. Clair Software product. Please feel free to try our other products. The latest versions are always available on America Online and CompuServe, and can be found on the Internet via ftp at <>, as well as at the standard Macintosh archive sites. If you have access to the World Wide Web you can get the latest news and tips on our products at <>.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or custom Macintosh programming needs, feel free to contact us via <mailto://>.
Our current offerings include:
• Screen Catcher - Shareware $25
Screen Catcher is a screen capture application capable of taking snapshots of screen images and saving them as PICT, GIF, or JPEG files. It also allows images to be captured to the clipboard or to Screen Catcher's own windows, where they can manipulated to change the color palette or reduce the number of colors in the image before copying or saving.
Screen Catcher allows you to:
- Precisely select an area before capturing an image
- Capture pulled down menus (with the Screen Catcher Extension)
- Capture the cursor on most Macintoshes
- Convert images to the standard 216-color web browser palette,
Microsoft Windows (R) palette, Macintosh color or grayscale
palettes, or an optimally chosen color palette
- Read and write progressive JPEG files
- Read and write GIF files with interlacing and transparency
- Reduce or change color palettes automatically
- Automatically name and save image files to any folder
- Copy and paste, drag and drop, and undo operations
- Generate URLs for images, including WIDTH and HEIGHT tags
• Default Folder - Shareware $25
Default Folder is a control panel that enhances Open and Save dialog boxes to make it easier for you to manage files on your Macintosh. It provides many of the essential features of the commercial SuperBoomerang and Directory Assistance utilities, but without the infrequently used extras that take their toll in compatibility, memory, and CPU usage.
Default Folder's time-saving Open and Save dialog enhancements allow you to:
- Set up a default folder for any or all applications.
- Switch among recently used folders from a pop-up menu.
- See available disk space and switch between disks from a pop-up menu.
- Click on a Finder window to show it in an Open or Save dialog.
- Create folders, get information (including changing name, type, and
creator), and move items to the Trash from within file dialogs.
- "Rebound" back to the last file you used.
- Make "Replace" the default option instead of "Cancel" when saving
a file with the same name as an existing file.
- Speed up the display of Open and Save dialogs by turning off custom
color icons in the file list.
Default Folder will operate on any Macintosh running System 7 or higher, and is accelerated for PowerPC.
• Sleeper - Shareware $20
Sleeper is a control panel for desktop Macs that spins down the hard disk, dims the screen, and powers off Energy Star compliant monitors after periods of inactivity. This reduces power consumption and quiets your Mac when it's not in use. Separate "sleep" times can be set for the different features, and a hotkey is available for putting your Mac to sleep on demand.
Sleeper will operate on any Macintosh running System 7 or higher. Disk sleep will work with any SCSI or IDE disk drive, while Energy Star features require an Energy Star compliant Macintosh and monitor. Sleeper is accelerated for PowerPC.
• AutoLaunch - Shareware $15
AutoLaunch is a screen saver "engine" that launches an application after your Macintosh has been idle for a specified amount of time. It's great for running stand-alone MacroMedia Director movies as screen savers, executing AppleScript applets during idle time, restarting demos after a person walks away from an in-store Mac, and the like.
AutoLaunch requires a Macintosh running System 7 or higher.
• AutoLaunch Pro - $250 Limited/$900 Unlimited Licenses
AutoLaunch Pro is a screen saver engine for the Mac OS that runs Macromedia Director projectors and other standalone presentations. AutoLaunch Pro provides a high quality, cost effective means for multimedia authors to distribute their work as screen savers, complete with customizations to ensure it fits with the "look and feel" of their project.
AutoLaunch Pro includes the following features:
- Runs a Macromedia Director projector or any other Macintosh
application as a screen saver.
- Provides users with screen saver controls for on/off, delay, and
activation options in an easy to use control panel.
- Allows authors to customize the AutoLaunch Pro control panel with
their own artwork using a user-friendly setup application.
- Requires no special scripting of Director projectors, and allows
use of all Director features and Xtras.
AutoLaunch Pro requires a Macintosh running System 7 or higher. Contact St. Clair Software at or visit our web site for licensing details.
• CacheSaver - Shareware $10
Like many people, you’ve probably found that increasing the size of the disk cache in the Memory control panel can improve the performance of many applications, especially web browsers like Netscape Navigator. The disk cache speeds up disk input and output by keeping the contents of files in RAM, rather than immediately reading or writing from the disk.
The problem with using a large disk cache is that when you save information, the data may end up staying in the cache for quite a while before it really gets written to your hard disk. If your Mac crashes before the cache gets saved, your data may be lost.
CacheSaver addresses this problem by periodically saving (or”flushing”) the disk cache, thus minimizing data loss should your Macintosh crash while you are working. You can set CacheSaver to flush the cache whenever your Mac is idle for more than a specific amount of time, or it can do it automatically at regular intervals. CacheSaver also provides a hotkey so you can flush the disk cache manually.
• WakeUp Items - Shareware $10
WakeUp Items is a control panel that gives you the ability to automatically open applications or files whenever your Macintosh wakes up from sleep mode. Just as you put items and aliases into the StartUp Items folder when you want them launched at startup, you place files and aliases in the WakeUp Items folder to launch them when your Mac wakes up.
WakeUp Items will work on Macintoshes that have built-in sleep capabilities (PowerBooks and PCI PowerMacs), or any Mac running version 2.0.4 or later of St. Clair Software's Sleeper control panel. WakeUp Items requires System 7 or higher to operate.
• Floppy Default - Shareware $10
Floppy Default is a system extension that encourages users to save their files on a floppy disk, and warns them of dire consequences if they don't. Floppy Default causes all Open and Save dialogs to initially display the contents of a floppy disk if one is present, or a predetermined folder on the hard disk or a file server if not. This is particularly useful in networked environments where users don't have a folder on a hard disk where they can safely store their files.
• IconWrap II - Freeware
IconWrap II is an extension that makes sure the startup icons for your system extensions and control panels march across the screen in nice orderly rows. Mac system extensions follow a set of de facto standards for displaying their startup icons, but some are a little less capable than others. IconWrap helps them position themselves properly.